
Currently, the world we live in is uncertain and unpredictable, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak. We are facing multiple crises at the same time. The pandemic has put the world on hold and into reset mode. Despite the challenges faced amid the pandemic, Indonesia still holds to its vision of becoming the world’s fifth-largest economic country in 2045. Across the archipelago, Indonesia continues to develop its multi-facet ecosystem, preparing the nation to play a pivotal role in the global economy through partnership opportunities in trade, investment, and tourism.

Expo 2020 Dubai is being held from October 2021 to March 2022. In this pandemic-riddled world, the theme ‘Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’ is expected to inspire people through sustainability, mobility, and opportunity. Indonesia, along with 191 other countries, participates in the six-month-long Expo 2020 Dubai. Carrying the theme “Creating the Future, From Indonesia to The World,” Indonesia aims to strengthen the archipelago’s potential in trade, investment, and tourism to the eyes of the world. In addition, Indonesia’s participation in the 2020 World Expo is expected to strengthen Indonesia-UAE bilateral relations. The UAE as a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), is one of the non-traditional export markets that is a hub for international trade to the Middle East, Africa, and Europe market destinations.

Against the backdrop, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), intends to hold a discussion forum in the form of Econ Insight to explore the future impacts of Dubai Expo on the Indonesian economy.



The overall objective of this event is to provide a platform to discuss the key challenges confronting the thinkers and leaders in managing the global economic recovery and mitigating future risks toward sustainable and inclusive growth. The event will focus on the future impact of the Dubai Expo on the Indonesian economy. It will allow thought-leaders and stakeholders to exchange views on the topic discussed.



The overall format of the Econ Insight will be set through panellist’s presentations and then followed by Q and A sessions. The panel presentations are intended to set the scene around the theme of the dialogue.  Each speaker may deliver their speech for 15-20 minutes.

Proposed Program (Jakarta Time UTC+7) Wednesday, 27 April 2022 

14.00- 14.05 Opening Remarks

Dian Masyita, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIII

14.05- 15.30 “Dubai Expo and its Future Impacts on Indonesian Economy”

Panelists (@45 minutes each):

  1. M. Ridwansyah Saidi Ungsi, Director, Indonesian Investment Promotion Center Abu Dhabi

“Dubai Expo Outcome and Its Impacts on Indonesian Economy”

  1. Teguh Yudo Wicaksono, Head, Mandiri Institute / Lecturer FEB UIII

“Current Development of Indonesian Economy and the Expected Outcome of Dubai Expo”

Moderator: Fajar B. Hirawan, Ph.D.