Dr. Indra has worked as a professional as well as lecturer/researcher with an emphasis on finance, investment, insurance, risk management, and asset-liability management for mutual funds, pension funds, and hajj funds under Shariah and Sustainable value since 2001.

He has a doctorate in management and business from IPB University, an LLM/MSc in law and economics from Utrecht University Netherlands supported by DELTA scholarship, and double BSc degrees in economics and international relations supported by DIKTI and PT. PLN scholarships.

His credentials include the Associate Chartered Institute for International Arbitrator (ACIArb), Certified Investment Banker (CIB), Certified Portfolio Manager (CPM) and Certified Security Analyst (CSA), as well as the OJK’s risk management certificate levels I-V from BSMR/GARP and the OJK’s investment management representative (WMI) certificates. He also attended the Goldman-Sach Investment University course. His work has been recognized as the best paper on Shariah and Sustainable Finance by OJK’s FREKS 2020, the Journal of Business Applications and Management, and the International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance.