Dr Indra Gunawan has multi-helix role as an academic anchored with the FEB of the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) as his homebase, while still a member of Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) Executive Board for the 2022-2027 and also the Secretary of the Investment Committee for the Central Board of the Sharia Economic Community (MES).
He received ESG Green Investment Initiative 2024 award from Republika and Top Brand 2024 award for Non-banking CIO from Jawa Pos – Infovesta and Four Star Top Digital Implementation 2023 for BPKH’s Top Leader and CIO for Digital Implementation. Often being invited as a lecturer/supervisor/examiner for undergraduate/graduate/doctoral programs and several universities (Padjadjaran, Trisakti, Airlangga and STM PPM Management).
He has a doctorate in management and business from IPB University, an LLM/MSc in law and economics from Utrecht University Netherlands supported by DELTA scholarship, and double BSc degrees in economics and international relations supported by DIKTI and PT. PLN scholarships in the field of finance, especially insurance, investment management, pension funds and mutual funds and spectrum of expertise in sustainable-digital-impact-economy.
Licensed for International Arbitrator (ACIArb), Certified Investment Banker (CIB®), Certified Portfolio Manager (CPM®), Certified Risk Professional (CRP®), Certified Security Analyst (CSA®) and Risk Management Certification Level VII BSMR and The OJK’s investment management representative (WMI) certificate. Alumni of LEMHANNAS RI PPSA XXIV/2023 and also alumni of Goldman Sachs Investment University, joined the program at Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, Judge Business School at Cambridge University, and Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam.
His work has been recognized as the best paper on Shariah and Sustainable Finance by OJK’s FREKS 2020, the Journal of Business Applications and Management, and the International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance as per below:
- Apa & Bagaimana Investasi Keuangan Haji BPKH, 2020, Beny Witjaksono, Indra Gunawan, Erwinda Anggraini, et. al. ISSN 978-623-09-3230-4 (2020) https://bpkh.go.id/ebook-apa-dan-bagaimana-investasi-keuangan-haji-bpkh-new/
- Investasi Surat Berharga BPKH, 2020 Beny Witjaksono, Indra Gunawan, Erwinda Anggraini, et. al ISSN 978-623-09-3230-4 (2020) https://bpkh.go.id/investasi-surat-berharga-bpkh-2
- Kupas Tuntas Investasi SBSN BPKH, 2021 Beny Witjaksono, Indra Gunawan, Erwinda Anggraini, et. al. ISSN 978-623-09-3231-1 (2021) https://bpkh.go.id/kupas-tuntas-sbsn-bpkh-2021
- Investasi Emas BPKH, 2022 Beny Witjaksono, Indra Gunawan, Mutia M Damayanti, et. al 978-623-09-3233-5 (2022) https://bpkh.go.id/ebook-investasi-emas-2022/
- Dana Haji dan Social Impact Investment, 2023, Beny Witjaksono, Indra Gunawan, Mutia M Damayanti, et. al. ISSN 978-623-09-3232-8 (2023), https://bpkh.go.id/e-book-dana-haji-dan-social-impact-investment/
- Optimalisasi Investasi Syariah dalam Pencapaian SDGs di Indonesia, ISBN: 978-623-08-0358-1 November 2023
- Green Sukuk in Indonesia: Sukuk Hijau di Indonesia, Teori, Regulasi dan Praktik, ISBN 978-623-08-0454-0 November 2023
- Transformasi Digital dan Ekosistem Ekonomi: Analisis pada Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji, ISBN: 978-623-09-7963-7 February 2024
- Islamic ESG: Keuangan Islam Berkelanjutan di Indonesia: Teori, Praktik dan Regulasi, ISBN: 978-623-081-333-7 Desember 2024.
- What Makes Indonesia’s SRI Better than Shariah and Liquid? Journal of Business Applications and Management IPB: Sinta-2 Januari 2021 https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/34643
- Volatility and Stability of ESG Equity in Indonesia toward Internal and External Shocks, IJIEF: International Journal of Islamic Economics & Finance, UMY July 31st, 2022 https://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/ijief/article/view/12693/7742
- Examining the Purchase Intentions of Indonesian Investors for Green Sukuk (MDPI Sustainability – Scopus Q1) https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/9/7430/pdf
- Volatilitas-Stabilitas Indeks Syariah vs Non-syariah 2009-2020, Best Paper in Forum Riset Ekonomi & Keuangan Syariah (FREKS) OJK-IAEI 2020 Intermediate Category in the Sector of Islamic Capital Markets.