Dr. Luthfi is the Head of the MA in Economics Program at UIII. He completed his bachelor degree in Syariah law (IAIN Walisongo) and development studies (Diponegoro University). He holds a master degree in Islamic banking, management and finance from Loughborough University, UK, and a doctoral degree in finance from Griffith University, Australia. Prior joining UIII, he was a lecturer at Paramadina University and SEBI School of Islamic banking and also worked as business and economics editor for Republika, an Indonesian daily newspaper and served as an assistant to president director of Bank Mumalat Indonesia. His research interests focus on Islamic economics and finance, social and Islamic banking, Islamic business management, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and sustainability. His research appears in various journals including Review of Islamic Economics, Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, Malaysian Journal of Economics, Journal of Islamic Marketing, and International Journal of Bank Marketing.