Professor Dian Masyita is the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business, Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). She is a Professor of Islamic Finance and Banking. She graduated her Ph.D. in Islamic Finance from Durham University, UK. She finished her Master of Engineering from the School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). She was a STUNED’s Awardee for the Executive Program “Financial Management” at the Maastricht School of Management (MSM), Netherlands. She holds a BSc in Finance from University of Padjadjaran. Her research interest includes Islamic Social Finance, Islamic Microfinance, System Dynamics, Banking and Finance, Cryptocurrency and Behaviour Finance. Her research appears in various journal including The 23rd International Conference of The System Dynamics Society Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), Islamic Economic Studies, Islamic Economics Studies (IES) Journal by IsDB, Economies by MDPI, etc.