Dr. Yudo currently serves as the Head of Mandiri Institute. Previously, he worked as revenue policy advisor at Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Development (Prospera). In the role, he had provided advice on revenue-related and fiscal policies to Ministry of Finance. Formerly, he worked as a research fellow at Survey METER (2015-2017) and had been as an economist at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS; 2003-2010). For years, he was also a consultant to international organizations, including the World Bank, ADB, ILO, UNICEF, Palladium, and others. His research and publications include industrial policy, tax policy, international trade, labor market and technology. He earned Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of Kentucky USA as a Fulbright Presidential Scholar, and Master of Economics from the University of Sydney, Australia. His research appears in various journals including Center for Global Development Working Paper and Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies.